Real-Time Data Transfer Using
Hello, on this occasion I want to share my learning journey of transfer data in real-time using by building a Real-time Chat app. First, I want to explain a few things like why we need a real-time application, what is WebSocket, and why using In this article, the main focus is how to implement and not to build the Chat App. But don’t worry, I’ll provide the link of the project repository. So, let's get started.
Why Real-time?
Real-time communication is a must-have for business because it enables faster, smoother, and more effective collaboration and communication among employees, customers, and partners. Real-time communication can improve the productivity, efficiency, and satisfaction of the business by providing the following benefits:
- Seamless communication
- Optimized business operations
- Higher productivity and efficiency
- Improved participation and knowledge sharing
- Competitive advantage and innovation
But the question is, how to make it happen? the answer is:
WebSocket is a computer communications protocol that allows simultaneous two-way communication between a client and a server over a single TCP connection. WebSocket is different from the HTTP protocol, which is usually used for webpages, because it enables the server to send data to the client without waiting for a request and allows messages to be passed back and forth while keeping the connection open. This makes WebSocket suitable for real-time data transfer, such as chat applications, online games, or live streaming.
Socket.IO is a JavaScript library that I chose for building a real-time chat app using React, Context API, and Node.js. Socket.IO is based on WebSocket, but it provides additional features and benefits, such as:
- HTTP long-polling fallback: Socket.IO can automatically switch to HTTP long-polling in case the WebSocket connection is not possible or blocked by some network or browser limitations. This ensures reliability and compatibility for the chat app.
- Reconnection and buffering: Socket.IO can handle connection loss and reconnection, and also buffer the messages that are sent while offline until the connection is restored. This improves the user experience and prevents data loss for the chat app.
- Multiplexing and namespaces: Socket.IO can create multiple logical connections over a single physical connection, and also group them into namespaces for easier management and broadcasting. This allows the chat app to have different rooms or topics for the users to join and communicate.
- Custom events and binary support: Socket.IO can emit and listen to custom events with any data type, including binary data such as images or videos. This enables the chat app to have rich and interactive features for the users.
Setting Up Socket.IO in the Project
First, create a socket directory in your project.
change directory to socket, and then do:
npm init --yes
npm install
After that, create the index.js file:
import { Server } from "";
const io = new Server({
cors: {
origin: "http://localhost:5173", //your client url
let onlineUsers = [];
io.on("connection", (socket) => {
// add user
socket.on("addNewUser", (userId) => {
!onlineUsers.some((user) => user.userId === userId) &&
console.log("Connected Users:", onlineUsers);
// send active users
io.emit("getUsers", onlineUsers);
// add message
socket.on("sendMessage", (message) => {
const user = onlineUsers.find(
(user) => user.userId === message.recipientId
if (user) {
console.log("sending message and notification");"getMessage", message);"getNotification", {
senderId: message.senderId,
isRead: false,
date: new Date(),
socket.on("disconnect", () => {
onlineUsers = onlineUsers.filter((user) => user.socketId !==;
console.log("User Disconnected:", onlineUsers);
// send active users
io.emit("getUsers", onlineUsers);
Set Up the Client
in client directory, do:
npm install
then, modify the chat context start by importing the Socket.IO for client:
import { io } from "";
initialize the Socket.IO:
const [socket, setSocket] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
const newSocket = io("http://localhost:3000"); //your socket url
return () => {
}, [user]);
handle the real-time functionality:
// send message
useEffect(() => {
if (socket === null) return;
const recipientId = currentChat?.members.find((id) => id !== user?._id);
socket.emit("sendMessage", { ...newMessage, recipientId });
}, [newMessage]);
// receive message and notifications
useEffect(() => {
if (socket === null) return;
socket.on("getMessage", (res) => {
if (currentChat?._id !== res.chatId) return;
setMessages((prev) => [...prev, res]);
socket.on("getNotification", (res) => {
const isChatOpen = currentChat?.members.some((Id) => Id === res.senderId);
if (isChatOpen) {
setNotifications((prev) => [{ ...res, isRead: true }, ...prev]);
} else {
setNotifications((prev) => [res, ...prev]);
return () => {"getMessage");"getNotification");
}, [socket, currentChat]);
That way, we can now send and receive message in real-time.
Here’s the source code.